-- Lori Waller -- Your Professional Life Coach -- AND Social Entrepreneur

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"Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can't  --  you're right."  --  Henry Ford


Life coaching and increased happiness, prosperity, and fulfillment...

Life coaching can help you better understand yourself, and reach a level of self-love and self-motivation to create and to re-create anew in any given moment.  Discovering and uncovering your life’s purpose, mission, and vision are important to understanding how you are connected to the grander scheme of life. 

It has been said for thousands of years that we are Holistic beings with powers beyond our imagination.  And now with the latest scientific advancements in understanding how the mind and body work together, it is the best time to incorporate these new learnings to empower yourself and to prosper.  Imagine mindfully and consciously creating and living the life of your dreams and having fun doing it.

Some say our greatest fear is that we are disconnected from our source and some say as Marianne Williamson did in A Return to Love:  Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us….Your playing small does not serve the world….And, as we let our light shine,  we consciously give other people permission to do the same…As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Find out more About Me, then look at my Coaching Services to make your possibilities a reality...

... call today to schedule your Free 30-minute consultation @ 619.940.6260

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Life coaching for your greater happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity.

San Diego, California, USA
Phone: +1.619.940.6260