-- Lori Waller -- Your Professional Life Coach -- AND Social Entrepreneur

About Me

...but it's really about You...

San Diego, California USA
Lori A. Waller
Personal and Professional Life Coach

Certified Master Results Coach, Performance Consultant, Master Practioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming, Advanced Neurological Repatterning, and Practitioner of Ericksonian Hypnosis:
You can contact me directly at lori@loriwaller.com or call +1.619.940.6260


“You were born with potential.  You were born with goodness and grace.  You were born with dreams and ideals.  You were born with greatness.   You were born with wings.  You were not meant for crawling, so don’t.  You have wings.  Learn to use them and fly."  -- Rumi, Sufi Mystic and Poet

I love this quote and believe it to be true.  It presupposes that Rumi noticed people crawling where they didn’t need to, and also that he knew something or believed in something different than they did.  If we presuppose that we are all eternal beings, then “eternity” is a long time to be crawling, so personally, I strive to be open to learning and taking action to get things done better and quicker, while feeling harmonious in the process. 

When I was a lot younger, I had a completely different concept of time.  I now know how precious and short our “time” is on earth.  Personally, there is still so much I dream of being, doing, and having and am on a committed and accelerated path to accomplishing my goals.  This is definitely not to say that I don’t slow down to smell the roses, but it is to say I also know there’s no limit to what I may want to do in the future, so I want to be smarter about how I choose to use my time and resources and to have fun doing it.

But back to crawling, at different points in my life, I was crawling with self-doubting and self-imposed limitations; and I was also circling around with fears that were holding me back.  Now these states aren’t the end of the world but it can sure feel like it when there’s something important you really want to accomplish whether it is in the area of your relationships, your family, your career, and your health.  And for those of you who may deal with this pattern and want to change it, I’m here to show you there is a better, faster, and harmonious way to change this and it would be a privilege to partner with you to help make this change.

I take my job seriously as a Life Coach and am honored and blessed to do to this powerful and empowering work.  It is my life’s Purpose to inspire, teach, and motivate people to take charge of their lives.  My Vision is for all of us to be happy, fulfilled and to prosper, which is our birthright. And my personal
Mission is to help you better understand how to use your wings so you can fly.

“If a thing is humanly possible, consider it to be within your reach”  -- Marcus Aurelius
"What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that."  -- Eckhart Tolle

Click here to learn more about my Coaching Services

Call to schedule your Free 30-minute consultation @ 619-940-6260.  I will share some important knowledge and it will also give us the opportunity to know if we resonate with each other which is essential to consider in moving forward.

Life coaching for your greater happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity.

San Diego, California, USA
Phone: +1.619.940.6260