-- Lori Waller -- Your Professional Life Coach -- AND Social Entrepreneur




From the profound words of Einstein, "We are boxed in by the boundary counditions of our thinking."  And from the depths of Rumi, "Stop swimming so hard and climb in the boat."

Why Life Coaching?

In the context of the quotes above, life coaching is a highly effective way to help you get out of your box by using the latest scientific advancements of how the mind and body work together, aligning them so you can create without struggling. 


What I do is help you see beyond the boundary conditions of your mind, interrupt old neurolgical pathways, replacing them with empowering ones, all to support you in taking right action(s) which will accelerate the accomplishment of your goals, so you can enjoy a more fulfilling life.

I have been trained and certified by the best company in the industry and use cutting-edge tools and technologies to affect behavioral change and the achievement of results.  Through my coaching services, you will discover and implement change using the same tools, techniques, and methods that have enabled many people to transform their personal and professional lives.

Take a moment and answer these questions:

  • Do you feel that you are capable of far more than you are currently demonstrating in life?
  • Do you feel held back by self doubt/limitations and fear?
  • Do you feel like you were born for a purpose, yet perhaps you are not actualizing that purpose at the highest level? Maybe not at all?
  • Are you ready to break through physical, emotional, and financial performance issues?

If your answer was “yes” to any of the questions above, then you may benefit from Life Coaching.

Imagine being able to break through barriers or boundaries that hold you back from accomplishing the goals that are most important to you in your life.  Imagine transforming your life where you are living the life of your dreams and experiencing the fulfillment of living your life on purpose.

About Me, then check out Coaching Services to see how I may assist you in creating more of what you want in life.

Who is a potential client?

More on my beliefs about life coaching and happiness...


Life coaching for your greater happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity.

San Diego, California, USA
Phone: +1.619.940.6260